Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Human Rights Drawing

Here you have a summary of the Human Rights,
Take one a make a drawing explaining the right, then you will film yourself explaining the right and your drawing. And send me the video in drive.

Monday, 25 February 2019

3rd TERM

This is the last term in audio-visual culture and we were going to work on:
- Music and podcasts.
- Internet and the social network.
- Advertisment and marketing.

But we have some content proposition and their presentation:
- Human Rights - video
- Scientific women - podcast
- Radio Programm - podcast
- Brexit- Kahoot and Questionnaire
- Politics - Analysis
- Tourism - Pecha Kucha

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Second Term Evaluation

It is the first entry of the third term, but we are going to do the evaluation of the second one:
You will write an evaluation about last term expectations and  experiences.
On the other hand you will do also write an autoevaluation, considering your attitude and work during the term.

Monday, 11 February 2019

European Solidarity Corps

On Friday, February 8, we attended a talk given by the Europedirect agency.
They explained us the project of the European Solidarity Corps and encoraged us to take part in it. 
This is an initiative to promote volunteer activities among young people. 
Thank you Jorge!
Here you have more information:
Eurodirect is located on Prim Street, 14, 2D, 20006 Donostia, Gipuzkoa.